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U.S. Army Rank Insignia Identification Guide

This is an identification guide for the Enlisted rank chevrons used by the U.S. Army. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are original manufacture. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

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Chevrons to identify rank were first used by the Army in 1821. A single chevron in white (Infantry) or yellow (Artillery, Dragoons, or Engineers) with the point up was used. A chevron on both upper sleeves was used for Sergeant Major or Quartermaster Sergeant. A chevron on both lower sleeves was used for the rank of Sergeant. A chevron on the right lower sleeve was used for Corporal.


A change to the chevron was made in 1825. A chevron with an arc was worn on both upper sleeves for Sergeant Major or Quartermaster Sergeant. A chevron on both upper sleeves was used for the rank of Sergeant. A chevron on both lower sleeves was used for Corporal. Chevrons were still worn point up. Chevrons were abolished in 1832.


Chevrons to signify rank were brought back in 1846. Chevrons were worn point down, three chevrons for the rank of Sergeant and two chevrons for the rank of Corporal. Chevrons were still white or yellow, but a background color was added. White on a sky blue base identified Infantry. Yellow on a sky blue base identified Artillery, and yellow on a dark blue base identified Dragoons or Engineers. In addition to the chevrons, Sergeant Major and Quartermaster Sergeant wore a gold shoulder cord. Orderly Sergeants (later 1st Sergeants) worn a red waist sash.

1846 Pattern Chevrons.

Sergeant - Artillery

Corporal - Infantry


Changes were made to the chevrons in 1847. Chevrons were now worn point up, and each rank received a seperate design. Background colors were retained, with white on a sky blue for Infantry, yellow on sky blue for Artillery, and yellow on dark blue for Dragoons or Engineers.

1847 Pattern Chevrons.

Sergeant Major - Infantry

Quartermaster Sergeant - Artillery

Orderly Sergeant - Dragoons

Sergeant - Infantry

Corporal - Artillery


The chevrons were changed again in 1851. Chevrons were now worn point down. The chevrons were now in branch color, with the background matching the uniform. Chevron colors were sky blue for Infantry, red for Artillery, yellow for Cavalry, orange for Dragoonsdark green for Riflemen or Mounted Rifles, and green for Medical. Two ranks were added, as well as a special stripe for Hospital Stewarts. Dragoons were combined with Cavalry in 1861. Color Sergeant was added in 1861.

1851 Pattern Chevrons.

Sergeant Major - Cavalry

Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant - Infantry

Company Quartermaster Sergeant - Cavalry

Ordnance Sergeant - Artillery

Color Sergeant - Infantry

1st Sergeant - Infantry

Sergeant - Riflemen

Corporal - Dragoons

Hospital Stewart - Medical


In 1872, the Chevron pattern was standardized. Color Sergeant was dropped and the rank of Trumpeter Sergeant was added. The Riflemen branch was combined with Infantry. Several specialty rates were added. In 1876, the Signal Corps chevron color was assigned as orange. Chevrons in dark blue/black were authorized for wear on the Great Coat in 1879. Infantry chevron color was changed from sky blue to white in 1886. Signal Corps chevron color was changed from orange to black in 1891.

1872 Pattern Chevrons.

Sergeant Major - Cavalry

Quartermaster Sergeant - Infantry

Company Quartermaster Sergeant - Cavalry

Ordnance Sergeant - Artillery

Trumpeter Sergeant - Artillery

1st Sergeant - Cavalry

Sergeant - Artillery

Corporal - Infantry

Hospital Stewart - Medical

1872 Specialty Chevrons.

Chief Trumpeter Sergeant - 1873

Saddler Sergeant - 1873

Baker/Cook Corporal - 1873

Post Commissary Sergeant - 1882

Post Quartermaster Sergeant - 1884

Hospital Stewart - 1888

Acting Hospital Stewart - 1888

Color Sergeant - 1888

Commissary Sergeant - 1888

Engineer Corps (1st Sergeant) - 1889

Ordnance Corps (Sergeant) - 1889

Signal Corps (Corporal) - 1889

Indian Scouts (1st Sergeant) - 1890

Lance Corporal - Cavalry - 1892

Chief Musician - Cavalry - 1899

Drum Major - Infantry - 1899

Electrican Sergeant - 1899

Squad Sergeant Major - 1899

Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant - Infantry - 1899

Hospital Stewart - 1901

First Sergeant - Bullion

Sergeant - Bullion

Post Quartermaster Sergeant - Bullion


A system of smaller size enlisted chevrons was adopted in 1902. Initially, 13 pay grades were established for enlisted men. An additional 2 grades were added in 1903. Private and Private 1st Class did not have a shoulder patch, but the Career/Speciality Patch when worn alone was recognized as being a grade of Private 1st Class. By 1907, 45 different rank patches had been authorized. This trend continued until by 1919, some 128 different rank patches were in use, necessatating a complete re-organization of enlisted ranks. The changes began in 1920 by eliminating the Lance Corporal grade and using the chevron for the grade of Private 1st Class. As Collar Discs became readily available, the Branch/Specialty patches were phased out.

Dress Uniform Sergeant Chevrons by service branch color. Background color could be blue, white, or khaki depending on the uniform.

Infantry - Infantry Blue

Cavalry - Yellow

Artillery - Scarlet

Corps of Engineers - Scarlet/White

Medical Department - Maroon/White

Ordnance - Black Scarlet (later changed)

Quartermaster Corps - Buff

Signals Service - Orange/White

Chevrons by Grade.

Regimental Sergeant Major - 1st Grade

Regimental Supply Sergeant - 2nd Grade

Battalion Sergeant Major - 3rd Grade

Battalion Supply Sergeant - 4th Grade - 1903

Sergeant attached to Staff - 4th Grade - 1903

Color Sergeant - 4th Grade

First Sergeant - 5th Grade

Commissary Sergeant - 6th Grade

Stable Sergeant - 7th Grade

Company Supply Sergeant - 8th Grade

Sergeant - 9th Grade

Corporal - 10th Grade

Lance Corporal - 11th Grade

Chevrons with Branch/Specialty Insignia. Unofficial insignia have been observed.

Master Band Leader

Assistant Band Leader

Master Drum Major

Drum Major Sergeant

Sergeant Bugler

Hospital Sergeant - Medical Branch

Sergeant 1st Class - Medical Branch

Sergeant - Medical Branch

Corporal - Medical Branch

Sergeant 1st Class - Corps of Engineers

Sergeant 1st Class - Signals Corps

Sergeant - Signals Corps

Corporal - Signals Corps

Master Ordnance Sergeant

Ordnance Sergeant 1st Class

Ordnance Sergeant

Ordnance Corporal

Master Quartermaster Sergeant

Quartermaster Sergeant 1st Class

Quartermaster Sergeant

Quartermaster Corporal

Coastal Artillery Master Electrician 1st Class

Coastal Artillery Master Electrician 2nd Class

Coastal Artillery Electrician Sergeant 1st Class

Avaition Sergeant 1st Class

Avaition Sergeant

Avaition Corporal

Transportation Sergeant 1st Class

Transportation Sergeant

Transportation Corporal

Mess Sergeant

Sergeant Band Member

Specialist Patches. These carry the rank of Sergeant and are further divided into Senior and Junior grades.

Master Hospital Sergeant

Master Engineer Sergeant - Senior Grade

Master Engineer Sergeant - Junior Grade

Master Signals Sergeant

Master Signals Electrician Sergeant

Quartermaster Sergeant - Senior Grade

Quartermaster Sergeant - Junior Grade

Field Artillery Chief Mechanic

Coastal Artillery Engineer - Senior Grade

Coastal Artillery Engineer - Junior Grade

Coastal Artillery Master Gunner

Coastal Artillery Master Electrician

Master Armor Mechanic - 1st pattern

Master Armor Mechanic - 2nd pattern

Master Avaition Electrician

Master Transportation Sergeant

Master Band Leader - Senior Grade

Master Band Leader - Junior Grade

Branch/Specialty Patches. These patches indicated that the wearer had completed training for his branch of service or career specialty. They carried a rank of Private 1st Class. Collar discs were introduced in October 1907. By 1926, the Branch/Specialty patches were phased out. Unofficial insignia have been observed.





Signal Corps


Aviation Mechanic

Corps of Engineers

Medical Service

Chemical Warfare - 1st pattern

Chemical Warfare - 2nd pattern

Armor - 1st pattern

Armor - 2nd pattern

Armor - 3rd pattern

Motor Transport


Mess Cook

Ordnance Corps







Recuiting Service


Coastal Artillery - Gunner 1st Class

Coastal Artillery - Gunner 2nd Class

Coastal Artillery - Gun Commander

Coastal Artillery - Gun Pointer

Coastal Artillery - Mine Chief Planter

Coastal Artillery - Mine Planter

Coastal Artillery - Mine Loader

Coastal Artillery - Coxswain

Coastal Artillery - Gunnery Excellence - "1"

Coastal Artillery - Gunnery Excellence - "E"

Coastal Artillery - Observer 1st Class

Coastal Artillery - Observer 2nd Class

Coastal Artillery - Plotter

Rifle - Expert

Rifle - Sharpshooter

Rifle - Marksman

Pistol - Expert

Pistol - Marksman


Chevrons to 1948.

First Sergeant - 1st Grade

Master Sergeant - 1st Grade

Technical Sergeant - 2nd Grade

Staff Sergeant - 3rd Grade

Technician 3rd (T/3) - 3rd Grade

Sergeant - 4th Grade

Technician 4th (T/4) - 4th Grade

Corporal - 5th Grade

Technician 5th (T/5) - 5th Grade

Private 1st Class - 6th Grade

WW2 Chevron variations. Chevrons were produced in colors for wear with specific uniforms.

WW2 Patch Color Variations

Chevrons from 1948 until 1954.

First Sergeant - E8

Master Sergeant - E7

Technical Sergeant - E6

Staff Sergeant - E5

Sergeant - E4

Corporal - E3

Private 1st Class - E2

Chevron variations. Chevrons were produced in colors for wear in specific Situations.

Korean War Chevron Color Variations

1954 to Date.

Chevron changes.

Chevron Color Changes

Chevrons after 1954.

Sergeant Major of the Army - E9

Command Sergeant Major - E9

Sergeant Major - E9

1st Sergeant - E9

Specialist 9 - E9 - Discontinued 1965

Master Sergeant - E8

Specialist 8 - E8 - Discontinued 1965

Sergeant 1st Class - E7

Specialist 7 - E7 - Discontinued 1978

Staff Sergeant - E6

Specialist 6 - E6 - Discontinued 1985

Sergeant - E5

Specialist 5 - E5 - Discontinued 1985

Corporal - E4

Specialist 4 - E4

Private 1st Class - E3

Private - E2

Enlisted Rank Pins authorized in 1979. Subdued Rank Pins were authorized for the Battle Dress Uniform in 1981.

Command Sergeant Major - E9

Sergeant Major - E9

1st Sergeant - E8

Master Sergeant - E8

Sergeant 1st Class - E7

Staff Sergeant - E6

Sergeant - E5

Corporal - E4

Technical Specialist - E4

Private 1st Class - E3

Private - E2

Staff Sergeant - E6 - Subdued Finish

Technical Specialist - E4 - Subdued Finish

Private 1st Class - E3 - Subdued Finish

Battle Dress Uniform Camouflage Chevron.

BDU Camouflage Chevron Colors.