Der Stahlhelm Pin - Adopted 1919 |
JungStahlhelm Pin - Adopted 1923 |
Bund Koningin Luise Type 1 - Adopted 1923 |
Bund Koningin Luise Tyoe 2 - Adopted 1923 |
Bund Koningin Luise Type 3 - Adopted 1923 |
FrauenBund - Adopted 1924 |
MadchenBund - Adopted 1924 |
Landstrum Type 1 - Adopted 1924 |
Landstrum Type 2 - Adopted 1924 |
WehrSports Cross - Adopted 1930 |
WehrSports Collar Tab - Adopted 1930 |
Honor Award for Continuous Service - Adopted 1932 Dated 1918 to 1932 |
Honor Award for Non-members - Adopted 1932 |
Membership Pin - Adopted 1934 |
Orange and Gold 4 cm - BundesFuhrer |
Carmine and Gold 4 cm - Bundestanzler |
Carmine and Gold 3 cm - Abteilungschefs |
Carmine and Gold 2 cm - Mitarbeiter |
White and Silver 4 cm - Landesfuhrer |
White and Silver 2 cm - Mitglieder des Stabs |
Carmine and Silver 3 cm - Leiter des Landesamtes |
White 4 cm - Gaufuhrer |
White 2 cm - Gau Siellvertreter |
Red 4 cm - Kreisfuhrer |
Red 2 cm - Kreis Siellvertreter |
Green 4 cm - Ortsgruppenfuhrer |
Green 2 cm - Orts Siellvertreter |
Blue 2 cm - Kameradschaftsfuhrer |
Yellow 2 cm - Scharnhorst Bund der Jungmannen |
Staff Leader Badge - Adopted 1919 |
Leader Badge - Adopted 1919 |
Scharnhorst Bund Jungmennen - Adopted 1922 |
Jungstahlhelm Leader - Adopted 1923 |
Konigin Luise Leader - Adopted 1924 |
Kraftfahr Leader - Adopted 1926 |
Wehrsports Leader - Adopted 1930 |
Signals Leader - Adopted 1931 |
Leader Badge - Adopted 1933 |
Staff Leader Badge - Adopted 1934 |
Leader Badge - Adopted 1934 |
BundesFuhrer |
Landesfuhrer |
Bataillonsfuhrer |
Kompagniefuhrer |
Oberzugfuhrer |
Zugfuhrer |
Oberfeldmeister |
Feldmeister |
Gruppenfuhrer |
Stabswehrmann Oberwehrmann Wehrmann |
Gruppenfuhrer Chevron |
Stabswehrmann Chevron |
Oberwehrmann Chevron |
Regimentsfuhrer |
Stabsfuhrer |
Bundeshauptmann |
Obergruppenfuhrer |
Divisionsfuhrer |
Brigadefuhrer |
Gau Braunkohle |
Gau Magdeburg |
Gau Minden Ravensberg West |
Gau Neidersachsen |
Gau Salle-Thuringen |
Landes Verband Gross Hamburg |
Landes Verband Niedersachsen |
Landes Verband Rheinland |
Landes Verband Nordmark |
Oldenburg-Ostfriesland |
Baden |
Bayern |
Brandenburg |
Braunschweig |
Bremen |
Danzig |
Gross Berlin |
Gross hessen |
Hamburg |
Hannover |
Magdeburg |
Mecklenburg |
Mitte |
MittelDeutschland |
Niederhein |
NordMark |
NordSee |
OstMark |
OstPreussen |
Pommern Grenzmark |
Saar |
Sachen |
Schlesien |
Thuringen |
WestFalen |
WestMark |
Wurttemberg |
Signals Service Personnel - Adopted 1925 |
Medical Orderlies - Adopted 1925 |
Stretcher Bearers - Adopted 1925 |
Medical Orderlies - Adopted 1926 |
Senior Medical Orderlies - Adopted 1926 |
Stretcher Bearers - Adopted 1926 |
Qualified Doctors - Adopted 1926 |
Consulting Physicians - Adopted 1926 |
Qualified Drivers - Adopted 1928 |
Cyclist Unit Personnel - Adopted 1931 |
Qualified Doctors - Adopted 1931 |
Mounted Unit Personnel - Adopted 1932 |
Signals Unit Personnel - Adopted 1932 |
Motor Unit Personnel - Adopted 1932 |
Cyclist Unit Personnel - Adopted 1932 |
Medical Orderlies - Adopted 1932 |
Infantry |
Cavalry |
Field Artillery |
Foot Artillery |
Machine Gun Detachments |
Mortar Units |
Jagers |
Engineers |
Signal Units |
Railway Troops |
Mobile Train Units |
Motor Car Units |
Baloon Crews |
Aviators |
Airship Crews |
Flame-thrower Units |
Tank Crews |
Medical Orderlies |
Sailors |
U-Boat Crews |
Colonial Troops |