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RZM Codes - M3 Party Emblem Makers

The Reichzeugmeisterei der NSDAP was responsible for setting standards and controlled all aspects of the manufacture, wholesaling, and retailing of all articles used by the members of the NSDAP and it's associated organizations. The RZM was established in 1934 and was fully operational by 1936. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

M3 Code Examples

M3/27 - J.H. Schmidt Sohne

M3/34 - Heinrich Marx

M3/40 - Gebruder Cossack

M3/46 - Unknown

M3 Codes and Assignee

RZMCompany NameRZMCompany NameRZMCompany Name
M3/27J.H. Schmidt Sohne M3/77G. Danner M3/87Albert Bloudicek
M3/28H.H. van Beusekom M3/80Ch. Frank & Sohne KG M3/89Josef Hoelzle
M3/34Heinrich Marx M3/81Heene E u E M3/90Unknown
M3/40Gebruder Cossack M3/82E. Gruber & Co M3/93Lenkwerk Bruder Schneider AG
M3/46Unknown M3/83Stanislaus Mrkwicka M3/96Ziehe & Co.
M3/74A. Kunze & Co M3/84E. Gyorffy & Co M3/133Robler & Co.
M3/75Fritz Balke M3/85Emaillierwerk u. Metallwarenfabrik AG M3f/36Paul Husemann
M3/76Kunstpragerei Preuss M3/86Rudolf Menschiga