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Police Property Marks

Police property marks were applied to both small arms and bayonets starting in 1920 in Bavaria. Prussia adopted the practice in 1922. The Bavarian Landespolizei began useing property marks in 1930. With the 1932 regulations, police property marks were standardized for all police units. The property mark consisted of a series of codes identifying the type of unit and location. The codes are typically in the form of "X.YY.nnn" or "X.YY.Z.nnn". The "X" code identifies the type of police unit, "YY" identifies the location, "Z" is a roman numberal identifing the division within the location, and "nnn" is the issue number. The Police School marks are in the form "XX.nnn" where "X" identifies the school and location, and "nnn" is the issue number. A few examples are shown below, followed by a table of the 1932 codes. Police property marks were discontinued in 1937. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

Typical Prussian Examples

Schutzpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Anrsberg - Unit II - 133

Kriminalpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Berlin - 318

Schutzpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Dusseldorf - Unit IV - 370

Landjagerei - Polizeiverwaltung Kassel - 153

Schutzpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Koln - Unit I - 118

Schutzpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Munster - Unit II - 886

Schutzpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Merseburg - Unit I - 11

Schutzpolizei - Polizeiverwaltung Schleswig - Unit II - 717

1932 Regulations Codes

*** Type of Unit ***
KKriminalpolizei - Detective PoliceLLandjaegerei - Rural PoliceSSchultzpolizie - Municipal Police
*** Locations ***
AAurich DistrictKKoeslin DistrictOOsnabrueck District
AlAllenstine DistrictKaKassel DistrictOpOppeln District
AnAachen DistrictKgKoenigsberg DistrictPPotsdam District
ArArnsberg DistrictKoKoln DistrictSSchneidemuhl District
BBerlin Police AdministrationKoeKolen DistrictSchSchleswig District
BrBreslau DistrictKzKoblenz DistrictSdStralsund District
DDuesseldorf DistrictLgLueneburg DistrictSiSigmaringen District
EErfurt DistrictLiLiegnitz DistrictStStettin District
FFrenkfurt (Oder) DistrictMMuenster DistrictStaStade District
GGumbinnin DistrictMeMerseburg DistrictTTrier District
HHannover DistrictMgMagdeburg DistrictWWiesbaden District
HiHildesheim DistrictMiMinden DistrictWprWestpreussen District
*** Schools ***
HPSenior Service Police AcademyPFrFrankenstein Police SchoolPMdHannoveversch-Muenden Police School
LS.AlAllenstein Landjaegerei SchoolPHiHildesheim Police SchoolPSSensburg Police School
LSTTrier Police SchoolPKKiel Police SchoolPTTreptow a.d. Rega Police School
PBBonn Police SchoolPIPolice InstitutePTVPolice Institute for Technology and Transport
PBdBrendenburg a.d. Havel Police SchoolPlPolice School for Physical EducationRh.PRheinpolizei
PBgBurg Police SchoolPMMuenster Police School