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Dagger Guide

This is an identification guide for the different types of daggers worn by members of various organizations in Germany from 1933 until 1945. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs are of original authentic items of the period. This guide is for identification only. To correctly authenticate an item, it's size, weight, composition, and construction details must be examined. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

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Daggers of the Military

Heer (Army) Dagger 19351st model Luftwaffe (Air Force) Dagger 1934/352nd model Luftwaffe (Air Force) Dagger 1937
1st model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 19192nd model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1938Puma model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1938

Daggers of the NSDAP

SA Dagger 1933SA Honor Dagger 1935SA Chained Honor Dagger 1938
SA Presentation Dagger 1938/39SA Feldherrenhalle Dagger 1937SS Dagger 1933
SS Chained Dagger 1936SS Honor Dagger 1936NSKK Dagger 1933
NSKK Chained Dagger 1936NSKK High Leader Dagger 1938NSKK Marine Dagger 1936
NPEA Dagger 1935NPEA Staff Leaders Dagger 1935NPEA Leaders Dagger 1936
RAD (Reich Labor Service) Full Stag Hewer 1934RAD (Reich Labor Service) Hewer 1934RAD (Reich Labor Service) Officer Dagger 1937
HJ (Hitler Youth) Knife 1933HJ (Hitler Youth) Leader Dagger 1937HJ (Hitler Youth) Gold Leader Dagger 1937
DLV (German Flyers Association) 55cm Dagger 1934DLV (German Flyers Association) Flyers Knife 1934NSFK (National Socialist Flying Corps) Flyers Knife 1937

Daggers of the Government Services

Government Officials Dagger 1939Gold Government Officials Dagger 1939Diplomatic Officials Dagger 1939
Red Cross Hewer 1938Red Cross Officials Dagger 1938Social Welfare Officials Dagger 1938
Fire Official Dagger 1919Water Protection Police Dagger 1938Water Protection Police Dagger with Emblem 1938
1st model RLB Subordinate Dagger 19361st model RLB Officers Dagger 19362nd model RLB Subordinate Dagger 1938
2nd model RLB Officers Dagger 1938Teno Hewer 1938Teno Officers Dagger 1938
Land Custom Officials Dagger 1937Water Customs Officials Dagger 19371st model Railroad Protection Dagger 1935
2nd model Railroad Protection Dagger 1938Railway Water Protection Dagger 19?Postal Protection Dagger 1939
German Hunting Association Dagger 1936German Hunting Association Deluxe Dagger 1936Assistant Foresters Cutlass 1919
Senior Foresters Cutlass 1919German Rifle Association Dagger 1939