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Party Organization Trade & Speciality Patch Identification Guide

This is an identification guide for the different Trade, Speciality, and Proficiency patches worn by Party Organizations during the 3rd Reich period. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are original pre-1945 manufacture. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

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Political Leader Insignia Patches

Political Leader Insignia patches were worn on the left sleeve.


NSBO Member

NSDAP Political Leader

Reichstag Fraktionsfuhrer

Auslandsorganisation Raute

Sturm Abteilung Speciality Patches

Sturm Abteilung Speciality patches were worn on the left lower sleeve.

Qualified Doctor - to July 1934

Qualified Dentist - to July 1934

Qualified Pharmacist - to July 1934

Qualified Signals Officer

Qualified Signals Other Ranks

Qualified Engineer

Qualified Doctor - July 1934-45

Medical Orderly

Qualified Dentist - July 1934-45

Qualified Pharmacist - July 1934-45

Qualified Veterinarian

SA Technical Instructor

SA Motor Unit Personnel - to May 1931

Graduate - Reichfuhrerschule

Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahr Krops Patches

NSKK patches were worn on the left lower sleeve.

Motorboat Unit Personnel

Qualified Driver - 1st pattern

Qualified Driver - 2nd pattern

Qualified Doctor

Medical Personnel

Qualified Dentist

Qualified Pharmacist

Motor Transport Master (right sleeve)

Driving Master (right sleeve)

Reichsarbeitsdienst Trade Patches

Reichsarbeitsdienst Trade patches were worn on the left lower sleeve.

Rad Detachment Administrative Personnel

Rad Administrative Staff Officer

Rad Administrative Staff Personnel

Planning Officer

Planning Personnel

Legal Branch Officer

Legal Branch Personnel

Doctor - 1st pattern

Medical Personnel - 1st pattern

Doctor - 2nd pattern

Medical Personnel - 2nd pattern


>Deutsche Luftsports Verband Proficiency & Trade Patches

Deutsche Luftsports Verband Proficiency patches were worn on the left breast and Trade patches were worn on the left sleeve.

Glider Pilot - "A" Level Proficiency

Glider Pilot - "B" Level Proficiency

Glider Pilot - "C" Level Proficiency

DLV Emblem - Officer

DLV Emblem - Other Ranks

Flying Personnel



Technical Personnel

>Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps Trade Patches

Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps Trade patches were worn on the left sleeve.

Glider Workshop Leader

Sailplane Workshop Leader

Sailplane Examiner 2nd Grade

Sailplane Examiner 1st Grade

Free Balloon Pilot

Deutsches Jungvolk Unit & Speciality Patches

Deutsches Jungvolk patches were worn on the left sleeve.

Oberbann 1 member - to 1939

Oberbann 2 member - to 1939

Oberbann 3 member - to 1939

Oberbann 4 member - to 1939

Oberbann 5 member - to 1939

Oberbann 6 member - to 1939

Youth Bann Leader - to 1939

General DJ Member - 1939-45

DJ Staff Member - 1939-45

DJ in the NPEA - 1939-45

DJ Leader Korps - 1939-45

DJ Unit Leader - 1937-45

DJ District Leader - 1937-45

DJ Leader on District Staff - 1937-45

Senior DJ Leader on Reich Youth Leader Staff - 1937-45

Administrative Staff Personnel

First Aid Service Personnel

DJ & HJ Marine Rank Patches

HJ/DJ Marine Rank patches were worn on the upper right sleeve.

Hordenfuhrer (DJ) - Rottenfuhrer (HJM)

Oberhordenfuhrer (DJ) - Oberrottenfuhrer (HJM)

Jungenschaftsfuhrer (DJ) - Kameradschaftsfuhrer (HJM)

Oberjungenschaftsfuhrer (DJ) - Oberkameradschaftsfuhrer (HJM)

Jungzugfuhrer (DJ) - Scharfuhrer (HJM)

Oberjungzugfuhrer (DJ) - Oberscharfuhrer (HJM)

Hitler Jugend Proficiencyt & Speciality Patches

Hitler Jugend Reichs Fuhrer Schule patches were worn on the upper right breast pocket. Awarded to the top 10-15% of graduates.

For the khaki uniform/tan shirt

For the navy blue uniform

Hitler Jugend patches were worn on the left sleeve.

Qualified Driver

Motor HJ Personnel

Vehicle Instructor

Motorized HJ Local Inspector

Motorized HJ District Inspector

Qualified Horseman

Signals Qualification "A"

Signals Qualification "B"

Signals Qualification "C"

HJ Marine Signalman - 1st pattern

HJ Marine Signals Qualification "A"

HJ Marine Signals Qualification "B"

HJ Flying Branch Personnel

HJ Adjutant

HJ Adjutant to Political Leadership Corps

HJ Doctor - 1st pattern

HJ Pharmacist

HJ Dentist

HJ Medical Orderly - 2nd pattern

HJ Senior Medical Orderly - 2nd pattern

HJ Doctor - 2nd pattern

HJ Unit Medical Orderly - 2nd pattern

HJ District Medical Orderly - 2nd pattern

HJ Member training with NSKK

HJ Firefighting Squad Member

HJ Luftwaffe Volunteer

Marine HJ Sea Sport Badge

Marine HJ Musician

Marine HJ Emblem