Gas Protection NCO |
Armorer NCO |
Feuerwerker (Artificer) NCO |
SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) Officer |
SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) NCO |
SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) Enlisted |
Rasse & Siedlungshauptamt (Race & Settlement Main Office) |
Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft (Office of Ancestral History) |
SS-Hauptamt (SS Main Office) for Recruitment, Procurement, or Education |
Reichskommissariat fur Festigung des Deutschen Volksturm (Office for Consolidation of German Nationhood) |
Reichskommissariat fur Festigung des Deutschen Volksturm (Office for Consolidation of German Nationhood) Gruppe Volkstumsarbeit (Nationality Work Group) |
SS Wirtschafts Verwaltungshauptamt (Economic & Administration Central Office) Gruppe Bauwesen (Construction Group) |
SS Wirtschafts Verwaltungshauptamt (Economic & Administration Central Office) Gruppe Wirtschaftsbetriebe (Economic Enterprises Group) |
SS Wirtschafts Verwaltungshauptamt (Economic & Administration Central Office) Gruppe Landwirtschaftliche Verwaltung (Agricultural Administration Group) |
Personlicher Stab RF-SS (Personal Staff RF-SS) Presse und Kriegswirtschaft (Press & War Economy Group) |
Reichssicherheits Hauptamt (Reichs Security Central Office) SS und Polizeiwesen (SS & Police Matters) |
Personnel of SS Standarte 76 - Salzburg |
Personnel of SS Foot Regiment Memel |
Personnel of Eisleben Mining School |
NSDAP Stabsleiter (Party Staff Leader) |
NSDAP Amtswalter (Party Department Manager) |
Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) |
Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) |
Technical Sargent |
Technical Officer |
Administrative Officer |
Armorer NCO (to 1937) |
Armorer NCO (1937 and later) |
Cavalry Personnel (early pattern) |
Cavalry Personnel |
Director of Music |
Farrier |
Legal Service Officer |
Medical Officer (Doctor/Dentist) |
Medical Officer (Doctor/Dentist) |
Medical Service (NCO) |
Medical Service |
Dental Service |
Pharmacist |
Motorized Personnel |
Pioneer |
Signals Personnel |
Veterinary Officer |
Former Hitler Jungen member |
Former member of the Police |
Duty assignment to the Auslands Organization |
Former member of the SA |
Former TeNo member |
Former member of the Kyffhauserbund |
Former member of the Reichskriegerbund |
Officers of the SS-TV |
NCOs assigned to camp commandant staff |
Former NSKK member who volunteered for duty with death head units |
Former SA member who volunteered for duty with death head units |
Crosscountry Sport Driver |
Equestrian Competitor |
Fencing Jacket Arm Badge |
Germanische-SS NCO |
Germanische-SS Officer |
Marksman Master Shooter |
Marksman Sharpshooter |
Marksman 1st Class |
Marksman 2nd Class |