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Sleeve Diamond Identification Guide

This is an identification guide for the different Sleeve Diamonds worn by the SS during the 3rd Reich period. Sleeve Diamonds were authorized in October 1935. They consisted of letters, symbols, or insignia embroidered on black wool. The embroidery was done in aluminum thread for officers and silver gray thread for NCOs and enlisted personnel. Diamonds could be edged with aluminum twisted cord for officers or black/aluminum twisted cord for NCOs. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are original pre-1945 manufacture. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

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Early Occupational Patches - prior to October 1935

Gas Protection NCO

Armorer NCO

Feuerwerker (Artificer) NCO

Organization Assignment

SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) Officer

SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) NCO

SD-Hauptamt (SD Main Office) Enlisted

Rasse & Siedlungshauptamt (Race & Settlement Main Office)

Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft (Office of Ancestral History)

SS-Hauptamt (SS Main Office) for Recruitment, Procurement, or Education

Reichskommissariat fur Festigung des Deutschen Volksturm (Office for Consolidation of German Nationhood)

Reichskommissariat fur Festigung des Deutschen Volksturm (Office for Consolidation of German Nationhood) Gruppe Volkstumsarbeit (Nationality Work Group)

SS Wirtschafts Verwaltungshauptamt (Economic & Administration Central Office) Gruppe Bauwesen (Construction Group)

SS Wirtschafts Verwaltungshauptamt (Economic & Administration Central Office) Gruppe Wirtschaftsbetriebe (Economic Enterprises Group)

SS Wirtschafts Verwaltungshauptamt (Economic & Administration Central Office) Gruppe Landwirtschaftliche Verwaltung (Agricultural Administration Group)

Personlicher Stab RF-SS (Personal Staff RF-SS) Presse und Kriegswirtschaft (Press & War Economy Group)

Reichssicherheits Hauptamt (Reichs Security Central Office) SS und Polizeiwesen (SS & Police Matters)

Personnel of SS Standarte 76 - Salzburg

Personnel of SS Foot Regiment Memel

Personnel of Eisleben Mining School

NSDAP Stabsleiter (Party Staff Leader)

NSDAP Amtswalter (Party Department Manager)

Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF)

Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF)

Occupational Assignment

Technical Sargent

Technical Officer

Administrative Officer

Armorer NCO (to 1937)

Armorer NCO (1937 and later)

Cavalry Personnel (early pattern)

Cavalry Personnel

Director of Music


Legal Service Officer

Medical Officer (Doctor/Dentist)

Medical Officer (Doctor/Dentist)

Medical Service (NCO)

Medical Service

Dental Service


Motorized Personnel


Signals Personnel

Veterinary Officer

Branch of Service

Former Hitler Jungen member

Former member of the Police

Duty assignment to the Auslands Organization

Former member of the SA

Former TeNo member

Former member of the Kyffhauserbund

Former member of the Reichskriegerbund

SS Totenkopfverbande

Officers of the SS-TV

NCOs assigned to camp commandant staff

Former NSKK member who volunteered for duty with death head units

Former SA member who volunteered for duty with death head units

Sport & Miscellaneous

Crosscountry Sport Driver

Equestrian Competitor

Fencing Jacket Arm Badge

Germanische-SS NCO

Germanische-SS Officer

Marksman Master Shooter

Marksman Sharpshooter

Marksman 1st Class

Marksman 2nd Class